January 3, 2012

New year. New challenges

I've sat down 3 times to put together a new year post but honestly my heart hasn't been in it.  We've been chillin in jammies and hanging out with the last few days of holidays, just the 3 of us.
 I suppose the first blog of 2012 has to come with some sort of reflection.  It is perhaps the first rule of new year blogging in Bloggity Blog land.  Well maybe not but it seems to make sense to me.
Here goes...
"Put the old stuff of the past away. Leave it behind, back there!" My Mom tells me this from time to time.  Pretty wise eh!
Not all old stuff is negative 'stuff', in fact most of it brings great lessons, love, memories, and a few ah-ha moments that really make life make sense.  This year has brought a bag of back there kinda stuff for this Mumma. With that said, it was never once a bigger bag than the good stuff that was wrapped with a big red shiny bow.  That is a FOR SURE!

I've been blessed with a healthy little man, and a bigger man to take care of us.
I've been wowed by first steps, first words, first teeth and first tantrums. Truly unreal.
I've been handed a few personal challenges that come along with little people and the crazy hormones that show up on your doorstep when babies arrive. Not answering the doorbell isn't an opiton.
I wouldn't change it.
I wouldn't give it back. It has forced me to admit, learn, ask for help, and forgive myself.  These challenges were and are REAL.
Not made up to grab attention or make excuses.
Full on real with a capital R!

New Year resolutions irritate the hell out of me. (hard to tell what I'm thinking isn't it).
They seem to put ridiculous pressures on us that in the end make us feel worse about ourselves and all the wonderful that we are every other month of the year.
What if the new year started in June?  Would we still make resolutions? I really doubt it.

January, to me, is about moving ahead and finding all sorts of good stuff to get ourselves into. Then again, the same things get me gitty in February & November.
It isn't about cooking healthier, running more, loosing weight (although Mumma needs to back away from the Turtles), being nicer, or spending less money.
It is just about head-butting the good stuff! And maybe a bit of putting some of the old stuff back there.

Have a FUN January.
I look forwarding to posting about a very simple personal challenge... that I'd probably try in June, July, or October as well, just for the record.

I have a mini that is just waking and needs to get his FUN on so I'm leaving with a few pics.
I have a backlog of photos that mean the world to me so the next few posts may be just pics. Here are a few from a very special pre-Christmas date.  COUSINS!

January 3rd, 2012.
Hard to believe isn't it.
Even better, it is 10 degress C!

Be wonderful.
Be adventurous.
Be happy.
Regan. Andrew. Ramsay! Seriously beautiful children! This photo means bunches to me.

Cousin Regan.  She babysits now.  I remember holding her on my knee like this!

Uncle Reid. Perhaps the greatest RAIDERS fan on the planet.

Andrew's new wind suit from Uncle Reid, Aunt Becky, Regan & Ramsay.



  1. Am sending you a big high five!
    This post is awesome...Not going to lie, I want to just cut and paste it to my blog cause it PERFECTLY sums up my feelings on the past year (the good and bad), the upcoming year, resolutions...all of it.
    SO GOOD!

  2. Oh man, is Beanie ever starting to look like his Dad! I'm loving your photos. xo


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