October 20, 2011


Today I had my faith in human beings restored.  It has brought me the most amazing feeling.
Calgary is a nutty city.  BIG, BUSY, BOSSY, BIG DEALS!
But once in a while we are given a glimmer of hope, yes hope, that people are just people and will help others when they really just need a hand, no matter how busy, bossy, or big deals they are.
It is glorious and generous and today I'm so grateful to say THANK YOU.

As usual I was pushing the teeny tiny window I have to get out and about between Andrew's naps.  YUP, two naps a day and my entire world revolves around those naps.  Some call me the NAP NAZI.  It is true, I have a smiley, wonderful natured little man that proves it is worth it. SO...
We hit up a few important errands and one was the dreaded Superstore (they have kick ass pumpkins this time of year - the ONLY reason I was willing to test my patience at that place).
We were in.
We were out.
We bought pumpkins.
And swim diapers
And a million other little and big items that we can't possibly live without!

I basically had a cart full of groceries and a little man begging for his 3pm snack.  Nice work Mamma, way to neglect your child's basic needs! It was 3:15.
Didn't I go for JUST pumpkins?

Anyway, as we approached the vehicle I was kicked in the teeth at the sight of a dead flat tire.  SOOOO FLAT.  Not just flat or needing a bit of a lift... it was cut and flat and ugly and oooohhhhh I just know I hit that curb going thru the Tim Hortons parking lot an hour ago.  CRAP!

I panicked, and googled AMA (from the iphone of course) I was put on hold and transfered and told my membership had expired, and so had Darcy's and bla de dah dah.  Gotta love customer service these days.
An amazing fellow with a big bushy mustache interrupted my phone call to offer to change it for me.
He had a Russian accent, that was obvious.  He also had 10 mins to spare.  Do people really have 10 mins to spare these days?  WOW!  What a beautiful thing.

He told me he was a mechanic and if his wife needed help he'd hope that someone, anyone would come to her rescue.  After 20 mins of really pleasant conversation I was driving away with a grin that nearly hit the roof of my car.  What a great feeling.

SIGH... there are angels.  They have no color or race or religion or sex.  They are just like you and I.  They just help.  We all need help. I can't wait to pass along this amazing feeling.

PS. After arguing with him to accept money or a hug or anything, he finally accepted a Tim Hortons gift card I had purchased earlier in the day.  There are more gift cards to be purchased, we will get to that.  But the feeling of being rescued was a beautiful gift.

Thank you Russian man, 55+, with a big bushy mustache!
There are angels among us....


  1. You know what that is? KARMA! I truly believe that good people attract other good people... sometimes we are just in too much of a rush to notice. I wish there was a newspaper that only published stories like this. I would be a faithful reader!


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