July 15, 2011

FRIDAY Favorite! Happy birthday to Mumma!

I'm a bit of a birthday bah humbug for a lot of reasons but this year was different.
We played, we giggled, we cried, we napped, we swam, we ran, we ate chocolate, we had a picnic in the backyard, we made messes, we cleaned messes.  And then when Daddy got home we had a wonderful Thai feast.  Mumma's fav!
I look forward to all kinds of new birthday adventures because today was so perfect.  I wish I could wrap it up and open it again tomorrow.  Oh wait, I CAN!
All in all a low key day with more hugs and LUV moments than I could have ever asked for.

Bean & Mumma enjoying backyard picnics!

1 comment:

  1. I always have Thai on my birthday too! Please tell me there was also a cupcake in there somewhere?


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