April 30, 2015


It's brand new out of the box….

I'll be honest.
I might be just as (if not more) excited.

April 20, 2015

We do dirt!

We seem to really like dirt.
Lots of dirt.
No shoes, often no pants (the kids, not me), sticky popsicle hands/legs/feet/ears, and a garden hose.

It's pretty forgiving and I love that it's free.
Handi wipes can't even handle it.

Today we did dirt.  Big time.
(it may appear one small wild child connects slightly more with said dirt?  maybe it's age?)

April 19, 2015

Harvie Passage

An incredibly gorgeous place in our big city.
Next weekend I'm doing a photo session here so naturally I asked my number one 'Location Scout' to check things out.

It is a very peaceful spot with so much to hear and see right at the waters edge.
An amazing view of downtown and all sorts of beautiful city landmarks.

This area has undergone incredible transformation after the June 2013 flood devastation.
In fact, it continues to go through a transition to ensure safety and enjoyment for us all.
It is a beautiful spot for a run, walk, or mini adventure hike.

I'd highly recommend NOT walking along the train bridge as the one individual is in my photo collage below.  YIKES!!!

Check it out here for some really interesting tid bits...

April 18, 2015

Our Easter.

Just 2 weeks after the celebration.
Better late than never?  I'm always playing catch up!

I don't scrap book or do much in the baby book department but I take a heck of a lot of images.

If you don't care for all photo posts you may just want to turn back now…
This was our Easter...

April 15, 2015

Lettuce Wraps

So easy.  So delicious!
Without a doubt one of my favorite new recipes in a long time.  
It's a perfect mixture to make double batches and freeze for a quick meal. Or pass to a neighbour in need of a little help.


1 lb ground chicken breast or turkey
2 tsp canola oil
1 tsp garlic
1/2 tsp shredded ginger
2 chopped green onions
3/4 c frozen corn
3/4 c frozen peas
1/4 c chopped red pepper
1/2 c chopped water chestnuts

3 tsp hoisin sauce
2 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp rice wine vinegar
1 tsp sriracha sauce (red rooster sauce)

Heat your frying pan with oil on high.
Add garlic & ginger and cook for only a few seconds until fragrant.  
Add chicken/turkey and cook through.   
Add corn, peas, water chestnuts, and red pepper just long enough to heat through (1-2 minutes).
Stir in half the sauce to the sauté mixture and cook for 1 minute.  Keep remaining sauce for drizzling once you've wrapped in your lettuce.

Top your wraps with carrots and cucumbers if you wish.

** I've made this recipe with iceberg lettuce and leaf lettuce and preferred the iceberg variety.  

Source: Annie's Eats (an adapted version)

April 12, 2015

Inner Ninjas!

While doing more scouting for locations (aka making excuses to take photos of my kiddos enjoying free fun) we worked on our Ninja moves.
Or as Bean says, INJAH!

INJAHing is hard work!
This calls for a drink.
(too bad the fountains aren't hooked up yet)

April 11, 2015

April 8, 2015

Location scouting

Whenever I need to scout out a new location I can count on my wee man to join and give me his honest opinion…  two thumbs up today!


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