March 28, 2014

Friday Favorites... from the week before.

I'm a little slow on the posting of these.
But they tell our happy story so wanted to share.

Happy weekend.
I hope health and rest is tops on your list!

Will Spring EVER arrive?!

Daddy ran the St. Patty's Day road race again this year.  We cheered LOUD!  
It was a sunny and chilly morning!  Perfect for a run and some Tim Hortons.

We put in some solid park time (complete with brutal head bonk and goose egg).
Signed up for toddler Spring soccer.
And embraced the swings, something he's never really done.  Now there is speed and height so its all good!

Baby Buggy is starting to love her stuffies and picking them up to cuddle.
She is fascinated with this Ikea bear, it's just her size!

March 26, 2014

3 months of Buggy!

Seriously… STOP TIME NOW!
This second baby thing is FLYING by.
It is so wonderful watching her develop and grow but holy smokes.  3+ months already!?

Each month Buggy has her own wee photo fun with her special tshirts I made just for her.
I'm a bit more organized it appears with her shirts.  With Bean I was slightly scattered with his monthly anniversary shots.

Here are a few of my littlest beauty…

March 22, 2014

Ski Fernie.

We took a few weeks off skiing to enjoy palm trees and swimming pools.
I'm not going to say which is my favorite.

We are back into the snow and back on the skis.
Fernie Spring skiing is fantastic!

I rode solo in the morning.
This was our afternoon activities.
Skipped naps and all!  No really, we did.

Of course Apres ski was as fun as always with all four of us!

March 15, 2014

Black Bean Brownies...


I'm not one to stray from traditional baking.
I like butter & chocolate & full cream.
But long story short… Mumma's making some changes to her food intake.
Baby pounds are making themselves a bit too 'at home'.
Sooooo, thought I'd try this suggested recipe because I'm jonesing big time for a chocolate treat!

Just try it before you screw up your nose.
Honest, its awesome!


1 tsp butter (for pan greasing)
3/4 cup cooked (or canned) black beans
1/2 cup canola oil
2 eggs
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2/3 cup sugar
1 tsp instant coffee or espresso (optional)
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/3 cup flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup icing sugar (for dusting)

Preheat oven to 325 - 350 depending on your oven.
Grease a pie dish or a 9x9 square baking pan.
Blend together beans, and oil.  Add eggs, cocoa, sugar, coffee, and vanilla.
Melt half of the chocolate chips and add to the mixture, blend until smooth.
In another bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, salt.  Fold into the blended ingredients. Stir in the other half of the chocolate chips & pour into baking dish.
Bake until the top looks matte around the edges and still a bit shiny in the middle (~18 - 20 mins).
Let cool.
Dust with icing sugar and serve.

March 11, 2014

Tiny Travellers...

His first flight was at 3 months old.
He has been an all around great traveller in the plane and car.
We are very thankful.
Now if only we could find a good airline to fly with…

and of course from my iPhone…

So far Buggy travels just as well.  Fingers crossed!

March 6, 2014

Team Roping USA!

This post is for my DAD!
The Team Roper.

I love that he has a passion that is his and only his… 
and that he has the health, the time and the means to make it happen in reasonable temperatures for half the year.
I'm so proud of him.


Bean and I spent some time at the Mike Cervi Memorial Roping with Papa.
A week long event, with amazing and talented ropers of all ages and sizes from near and far.
Professionals and Amateurs.
Women AND Men.

Of course the John Deeres under the bleachers may have had his closest attention…

Or the John Deere flattening the arena between sessions!

Making memories I tell ya.  Making memories!


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