July 30, 2017

Beach finds...

The heat is trying to destroy us.
So we take to the beach late afternoon and stay until it is way past bedtime.
We are getting really REALLY good at the way past bedtime thing this summer.

But the peace and cool air and random finds make it well worth it

AND, BBQing at the beach is the best.

July 26, 2017

Take the time...

... to stop and smell the flowers.

My three year old reminds me of this every single day.

July 20, 2017


Tyrell Museum!
Something on our SUMMER BUCKET LIST for 2 years now.
What an adventure.  So much to see.

Next year we will need a weekend trip.
And I'll take more pictures!

GRAMA is the biggest kid of them all!
When you are married to a Geologist...

July 15, 2017

Birthday post.

Happy birthday to me.
These are my greatest gifts.

I ask for nothing else but these crazy little loves to be healthy, happy, and by my side every single day!

July 2, 2017


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