June 25, 2013

Baby BuggyBug!

A wee nickname... Andrew style!

Having one little love has been our greatest accomplishment.
For another baby to bless us in the near future is so hard to put into words.
We feel so much love already!

This time around has been very different for this Mumma... 
Getting HUGE quickly!
Feeling movement early!
Eating waaaaaay less Eggo waffles!
Announcement reactions all kinds of different!
Fear and anxiety... a whole bunch less.  PHEWF!

14 weeks new!

 Every single day!

No matter how many pickled ANYTHING I eat, I can not scare away the cruelest of headaches.
This time around I have cried and cussed this growing parasite so many times already.
It has given me some of the worst, pounding, all day long, headaches I've ever imagined having.
They are lessening a tad but seem to be happening still a few times each week.


17 LARGE weeks new!

The Wee Bean, the amazing little man that gave me the privileged title MUMMA, is pretty excited to be a big brother.  He is without a doubt processing the news.  We will see when baby shows up if he shares Tankie.  YEAH RIGHT!

Buggy bug should arrive near or around the end of November or early December making our babies 3 years, 2 months ISH apart.  Perfect timing in our world.
I think this time we may keep the gender a surprise.  Why not?!

Thrilled and not feeling so hot.  I'm not gonna lie.
I'm hoping to document my growth as much as I did with Beanie.  Beware, it will not be pretty in a wee short time, but the reward is worth every single ounce I gain.

In the words of our big boy Bean... "wuv you so much buggy bug!"


  1. "Eating waaaaay less Eggo waffles!"

    I heart you. :)

  2. Sarah Kassam2.7.13

    Yay - congrats guys!

  3. Congratulations!!! I think I know what you are having based on the U/S photo, but I will keep it to myself! :) I can't wait to watch you grow!! (Better you than me anyway!) LOL!! Sorry you aren't feeling too well, but remember, they say the sicker you are, the healthier your little buggy bug is! xo!


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