Our ski season came to a close this past weekend.
What a memorable season indeed.
Beanie made his own fresh tracks, Mumma remembered how to ski again, we made friends, had a few tantrums on the hill and shared a heck of a lot of hot chocolate!
Success indeed.
The hot chocolate was always our favourite part.
And I'm happy to report that one of 3 special diggers made it to the hill with us EACH & EVERY WEEKEND!
Yes, diggers rule.
(pick your battles? famous advice that has come in so very handy).
Now we look forward to FernieHouse2, biking, and so many more adventures.
Well this is some inspiration for us for next year. Always nice to see little ones enjoying the snow... and how awesome is that to ski at such a young age! Hopefully you are enjoying some spring weather too ... finally!!! =)